Friday, October 4, 2013

My Cat Ben

He is very old he is 18. I love him so much.
Quiz:  What does a old cat do?: A:Sleep, B:Play,
C: Poo. What will a old cat do in an earth quake?:  A: Sleep, B: Run, C: Jump in your arm's  Please put your answers in the comments box. The right answer will be told in my next post.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

som stuff

Hay people redy for a Quiz . Wood you rather ride a bike or swim?. do you like my blog or Kathy's blog or mine?. Dinner or lunch?. Put your anser's in the comment box . Good game Mine craft  and horse back riding.  I love Kathy's blog its so cool. Bye for Now

Hello bog fans

That's is Kathy my best friend.=)
That's me making this blog.=)  
sum movie 
bye for now sincerely Maria =)


Are you a horse fan or a dog fan?. Wood you gat fish or candy apple's?.  Jeans or leggings ?. Shopping  or riding horse's?.  Blue or  red?. Green or orange?. Put your answers in the comment box  =) .
Good bye for now sincerely Maria 

My family

This is my dog  abbie . She is a boxer dog. I love her so much.
And  that's my brother Bob.

That's my mom June.
That's dad Tom.
And that's me Maria